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“How To Use The BTMA Spreadsheet”
For additional written tips on “How To Use The BTMA Spreadsheet”, use the guide below.
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Quick Start
Single Analyzer
Multi Analyzer
Saved Data
My Investment Plan
Ticker Sheets
I’m so glad that you have decided to use the Beat The Market Analyzer Spreadsheet(s). I created the spreadsheets in order to provide a more simple way for common people to invest and receive better than average returns safely.
Welcome to BTMA,
Grant Gigliotti
Beat The Market Analyzer
This guide below explains each part of the BTMA Spreadsheet. The various sheets of the spreadsheet are located at the bottom of the BTMA Spreadsheet. You can access each sheet by clicking on the colored tabs at the bottom of your BTMA Spreadsheet.
Purpose: To remind you that investing is ultimately your responsibility.
You can use the BTMA Spreadsheet for informational purposes to analyze stocks, but you must do your own due diligence when making any investments.
Purpose: To provide when first beginning to use the BTMA Spreadsheet.
Here you will find directions on:
How to use the BTMA spreadsheet
Help & Troubleshooting
Purpose: To analyze individual stocks, one-by-one.
Be sure to enter:
1. A stock symbol (can be any US stock symbol)
2. A Start Date (this will automatically be set to today’s date)
3. An End Date (this will automatically be set to today’s date + 1 year.)
After entering the stock symbol,
Go to the small blue Calculation Button at the top left of the sheet and click ‘ON’.
Please wait while your stock is analyzed.
There will be a message at the bottom of the screen that tells you about the calculation % finished.
Save Data
After analyzing data, you should save that row of data.
Scroll to the right of the sheet and you will see buttons that say “Save Row Data” and “Save All Rows of Data”.
Click these buttons to move your analyzed data into the ‘Saved Data’ sheet.
This is where you will collect all of your analyzed data to be compared and sorted.
Clear Data
You can use the ‘Clear All Rows’ or ‘Clear Row” buttons to clear rows of data.
Purpose: To analyze multiple stocks at once. This is a powerful automated system to analyze up to hundreds or even thousands of stocks at once.
Be sure to enter:
1. A stock symbol (can be any US stock symbol)
Next, hit the ‘Analyze Multi Data’ button.
Analyze Multiple Stocks
Many people like to analyze the complete S&P 500, the Dow 30, or other indexes to find the best stocks to buy among a group of stocks.
For your convenience, you can go to the Ticker sheets.
(All sheets are labeled with colored tabs at the bottom of the screen. The ticker sheets are at the far right of the sheet tabs.)
You can copy ticker symbols from the Ticker sheets and paste them into the Multi Analyzer.
Automatic Save
The Multi Analyzer will show you a message about how it automatically saves your spreadsheet every few minutes to ensure that you don’t lose data if there is a power outage or computer crash, etc.
Estimated Time
Next, you will be given the estimated time it might take to analyze your stocks.
This is just an estimate. The actual time will depend on your Internet speed, your computer, how many stocks you’re analyzing, etc.
Please be patient. The Analyzer is processing thousands of calculations and statements for each stock. The screen may flash or look blank at times, but it is still processing the data.
You can check the bottom of the screen to see the calculation %. You can also tell that the Analyzer is working if the cursor wheel is spinning. When the Multi Analyzer has finished, it will produce a ‘ding’ sound and a confirmation message will appear.
Sorted Data
The Multi Analyzer also scores, compares, and sorts your analyzed stocks into the ‘Saved Data’ sheet. The best investments will be at the top and the worst or riskiest at the bottom.
Help Choosing Investments
The Multi Analyzer will also offer to help you custom pick the best investments from your current analyzed data for you. To do this, it utilizes the ‘My Investment Plan’ sheet. For more information on this, please see the ‘My Investment Plan’ sheet details below.
Purpose: This is where all of your analyzed data is stored. This sheet also gives your stocks a score, compares them, and sorts them with the best investments at the top and the worst or riskiest investments at the bottom.
Color Coding
Dark Green (if an entire row is highlighted in dark green, it is a recommended buy)
Yellow (if an entire row is highlighted in yellow, it is a possible buy)
Light Green (is universally a good sign)
Red (is universally a bad sign)
Company Rating
Each company is given a Company Rating score out of 100 points
A score of 70+ is a sign of a good company and a good potential investment
Bargain Price
The Analyzer calculates each stock’s intrinsic value (estimated value) according to current data and 5-10 years of historical data. This estimated value is then given a conservative margin of safety to lower your risk and increase your chance of higher returns.
If the stock’s current price is less than the margin of safety value, then the stock is considered to be at a ‘Bargain Price’.
Recommended Buys and Possible Buys
If a stock has a company rating of 70 or more and is at a bargain price, it has a chance to be labeled as a recommended buy or possible buy. However, it will still need to pass other criteria which are evaluated by the Analyzer. For example, it must have 5 to 10 years of solid data. If the company is too new or is lacking in data, the Analyzer automatically penalizes this company.
Other criteria includes: good scores in most categories such as Return on Equity, Earnings Per Share, Return on Invested Capital, Gross Profit Margin, PE Ratio, etc. The Analyzer is not made to pick all of the winners. Sometimes, very volatile and risky stocks make a good return. However, the Analyzer’s job is to help you to avoid picking losers and risky stocks. It is very conservative in picking companies and in pricing. Therefore, by using the Analyzer, you can significantly lower your risk and increase your chances of higher profits.
Purpose: After you have analyzed stocks and collected some recommended buys and/or possible buys, then you can use the ‘My Investment Plan’ sheet to help you custom pick the best investments, specifically for you.
Create My Investment Plan button
When you click this button, the Analyzer will gather your current recommended buys and possible buys, and ask you questions about this companies. After answering the questions, your investment plan will be created and the most recommended stocks for you to buy will be added to the ‘My Investment Plan’ sheet.
If a stock’s ‘Start Date’ (‘Buy Date’) is not recent, then a message will appear telling you to analyze the stock again with a more recent ‘Start Date’. This will ensure that you are using the most recent data when evaluating a stock to buy.
Clear Data
You can use the ‘Clear Individual Rows’ or ‘Clear Row Range” buttons to clear rows of data.
How many shares of a company should I buy?
This is a great question and one of the first questions that we ask ourselves after we have chosen a stock to invest in. Enter your information in the yellow cells and click ‘Calculate’. This calculator will tell you what return you will need to make if you bought a specific amount of shares in a company. This can be extremely helpful so that we know if it’s actually worth investing at this time or better to wait until we have more money to invest.
Purpose: The title says it all.
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Help and troubleshooting
A Video on How To Use The BTMA Spreadsheet
Purpose: Use the ticker sheets to copy and paste stock symbol tickers into the ‘Multi Analyzer’ sheet. You can also use the Ticker sheets as a reference for finding a stock’s symbol.
Available Ticker Sheets
S&P 500
DOW 30
Russell 2000
Suggested Usage
Many people like to analyze the complete S&P 500, the Dow 30, or other indexes to find the best stocks to buy among a group of stocks.
They will typically save their current BTMA Spreadsheet or export the ‘Saved Data’.
Next, they will save the BTMA Spreadsheet as a new name and clear all data in the ‘Saved Data’ sheet.
After, they will copy and paste desired tickers from the Ticker sheets into the ‘Multi Analyzer’.
Next, they will click the ‘Analyze Multi Data’ button.
After the analyzing is completed, you will have a nice sorted list of recommended stocks to buy at the top and risky stocks at the bottom.
The End
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