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Grant Gigliotti Image

I'm Grant Gigliotti, and I started investing because like many of you, I wanted to save money and make passive income for my family’s future.
I follow the common-sense value investing strategies of Warren Buffett and Benjamin Graham. My goal is to simplify stock investing so you can build wealth with less hassle.
The Beat The Market Analyzer is all about making stock investing simple without all the BS, hype, and overload of information.

To be honest, not so long ago, I was really confused about stock investing and not sure where to start. Luckily, I found, in my opinion, 3 of the best books about stock investing. They are:
1. The Warren Buffett Way
2. The Buffettology Series
3. The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham,

I must have read and listened to the audiobooks of these gems over 20 times! The thing I liked about them was that they used a common sense approach to make stock investing easy to understand and practical.Best of all, I realized that I could apply these techniques because they were based on factual data. This was very different than all of the other hyped-up BS that I read about in money magazines and saw on the internet and TV.I began to apply these techniques from scratch. At first, I was doing everything manually. As time went by, I found that I was making really good investment decisions and solid returns by just replicating the logical strategies that Warren Buffett and Benjamin Graham used to analyze stocks.

I spent almost everyday for 8 months working on a spreadsheet to analyze the stocks so that I no longer had to do it manually. The spreadsheet worked very well and it was consistent. I found that I was able to Beat the Market or beat the S&P 500 over 85% of the time. I was excited, my friends were excited when they heard about it (or at least they acted like they were) and my wife was just happy that I wasn’t spending so much time manually analyzing stocks anymore….that way, I was free to do more productive things like wash the dishes and take out the trash.

Anyways, that brings us to this point in time. I am very pleased with the results of the analyzer and the realization that stock investing doesn’t have to be complicated. If we use common sense and practical strategies of successful investors like Buffett, we can consistently beat the stock market and definitely do better than our money managers who charge expensive fees and consistently fail to beat the market over 70% of the time.

I'm sharing my stock analyzer and experiences with you. Therefore, if you want to get into stock investing, but find it complicated or don’t know where to start, then I truly believe that this site will be genuinely helpful for you.

If you're ready to start earning safe and profitable returns consistently, then try out the BTMA Stock Analyzer TODAY.
There's no risk to try, with our 60-day money back guarantee.. Get Started Now

Why choose BTMA?

Good question. The BTMA Stock Analyzer is the only tool that combines a speedy stock screener, deep fundamental analysis, quantitative and qualitative analysis, and a stock picker all in one.

I believe that my product’s greatest strength is the huge amount of time it will save you.

When other investors are hesitating by spending weeks grazing over endless data and individually comparing stocks, you will be able to analyze the entire S&P 500 and the thousands of US traded stocks with the click of a button. And the Analyzer will directly tell you a handful of the best stocks to buy.

Best of all, your investment decisions will be 100% based on fact; you will be confident and ready to take action while other investors are still waiting with an uncertainty of which stock to buy.

In the section below, we will look at some results….


Time-Weighted Returns, Period: 2013 – Present

This is the time-weighted return result of a real account using the BTMA stock-picking method over the course of multiple years. (click chart to enlarge it)

Absolute Return (from January 2013 till January 2024)

   BTMA           S&P 500
   678.1%             226.2%

Returns Per Year

Below are my returns (BTMA) versus the S&P 500 returns over the past 10 years.

For investors who are struggling, I’d like to stress that it’s very difficult to beat the S&P 500 over the long run and even harder to beat it every year consistently. You’ll notice from the chart above that I lost to the S&P 500 a few times over the past 10 years. But I’m content with the overall results and I know that many of my BTMA customers are also satisfied with their gains.

You can start by watching the video here

For every month from the year 2000 to present day, the BTMA Stock Analyzer has beaten the market over 85% of the time.

Little Bit of Stats

For every month from the year 2000 to present day, the BTMA Stock Analyzer has beaten the market over 85% of the time.

Their Methods Fail To Beat The S&P 500

00 %

of Mutual Funds fail to beat the S&P 500 [1]

Our Method Beats The S&P 500

00 %

Percent that Warren Buffett’s value investing method has outperformed the S&P 500 on average, per year. [3]

00 %

of active managers failed to beat the S&P 500 [2]

00 %

Percent that the (Buffett-based) BTMA value investing method has outperformed the S&P 500 on average, per year. [4]

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1 Year Plan

$99technical analysis of stocks

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  • Cancel at anytime within 60 days. Full Refund.

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